Current Weather
This displays the current weather for a city. Enter a city name (or city name, state or country).

Picture Display
Display six pictures. Border button changes border. Reverse button changes display order.

Crystals Collector Game
This is a single-player addition game using crystal images. Rules are on the page.

Guess-A-Word Game
Guess a word! Screen shows how many letters; you have 12 guesses to fill them in.

Joan's projects

Welcome to Joan's projects page. These represent projects she has coded. Feel free to try them out!
A simple interactive game. The computer selects a random number from 1 to 100 (inclusive). The user has 10 tries to guess it.

Robot Combat Game
A single-player game with fighting robots. Rules are on the page.

Totally Trivial Trivia game
When you press the start button, eight astronomy-related questions will appear. You will have 30 seconds to answer them.

Movie Search
Enter the title of a movie and get information about that movie

Astronomy Picture of the Day
This features a call to NASA's API (database). Displays the Astronomy Picture of the Day

Memory Calculator
Perform basic calculations and display the last 10 results.

Outer Space GIFs
Displays outer space gifs. Click on one to animate; click again for still photo. Search for additional gifs.